How Listening Can Help Improve Client Relationships in Accounting

by Becker CPA Review | Jan 12, 2016
Hand cupping ear

In a business setting, being able to effectively listen to clients can go a long way in understanding their needs, addressing their situations and providing the best service. In accounting, listening is one of the most important aspects of a client relationship, as you are dealing with financial records and other elements that could affect their livelihood and financial future.

Here are a few ways listening also helps improve client relationships:

#1 - Improves the level of trust

When clients know you fully listen to their issues and work to resolve them, the level of trust is enhanced. Clients appreciate when they are treated as a partner and do not have to repeat certain things as the relationship continues.

#2 - Enhances your credibility

Credibility is key in effective client relationships. As a CPA, when you are able to provide clients with information based on the information they have given you, it builds credibility and significantly improves the relationship you have with your client. In accounting, credibility goes a very long way in establishing a loyal client base.

#3 - Increases the level of customer service

When customer service is high, client relationships improve. The accounting industry must have a high level of customer service to connect with their client base. Listening is one of the integral tools in developing superior customer service tactics that get results.

#4 - Increases the chance of customer loyalty

Effective listening leads clients to your doorstep. When they know you listen and fully understand their needs, the client relationship that results is usually very strong. Clients who are pleased with the work the accountant has done as a result of listening to them become loyal and do not want to use anyone else for their transactions or services.

These are four ways listening can assist in improving client relationships in accounting that should be used in every office, professional setting or when conducting transactions. Developing good listening skills is important in the accounting service industry, and should be a top priority when studying for the CPA exam, or while in the Becker CPA exam review. Strong conversational and listening skills go a very long way, and can alleviate the chance of mistakes or misinterpretations now and in the future. Choosing the best CPA exam review can work to your advantage. Becker can show you how!

Reprinted with permission from the Becker CPA Review Community.

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