Does the WSCPA offer discounts on CPA Exam review courses?
Yes. The WSCPA has created a special partnership with various quality CPA Exam review course providers. The discount is only available to WSCPA members. Discounts include the vendors found by clicking here.
Does the Washington Society of CPAs have an internship program?
The Washington Society of CPAs does not have an internship program. We try to point students to accounting firms and companies that do have accounting internships available. Student members can access a list of statewide firms and companies once they log in.
Does the WSCPA have networking opportunities?
Yes. The WSCPA has various fun networking events designed especially for young CPAs, bankers and lawyers. To find a list of upcoming events visit the WSCPA Community section for Member Events on The WSCPA also offers chapter and committee meetings. This is a great way to meet other CPAs who share similar interests or who live in your community. You must be a member to be able to participate in these meetings. You can access information on the WSCPA website once you are logged in.
How does AICPA membership benefit me if I am already a WSCPA member?
The AICPA is the national association for all CPAs in the United States. As a member of the AICPA, you have access to over 300,000 members nationwide. The AICPA also focuses on the profession from a national level, while the WSCPA focuses on the profession in WA State. The WSCPA and the AICPA work together closely and as a member of both, you have resources of both organizations in your corner.
More Resources
Click here for more information on the CPA Exam from the Washington State Board of Accountancy.
Click here to check out the AICPA's Young CPA resources.