For the WashingtonCPA Magazine

The WashingtonCPA is printed on matte-coated stock, with a linescreen of 150 and 300 dpi. Submit display ads as PC electronic files:

EPS: Change fonts to outlines. Include all graphic elements within the ad. 

TIFF: Submit in PC format.

PDF: A high-resolution 300 dpi file, CMYK format. Include all fonts and graphic elements with each file. 

For the Short Form Email Newsletter

All Short Form ad image files must be submitted to the WSCPA by end of day on the Friday prior to send date of the Short Form in which the ad is to appear. You must submit two versions of your ad in either JPG or PNG file formats:

  • A 600px wide by 250px high version for emails rendered on desktop computers.
  • A 360px wide by 360px high version for emails rendered on mobile devices.

Please submit ad image files to